Friday, January 30, 2009


Yesterday I changed the sheets on one crib and two beds by 8AM. Today I reassembled a baby car seat and changed 3 poopy diapers before 8AM.

And that is how I justify this delicious chocolate chip cookie and third cup of coffee.

Last night my hubby decided to make cookies which perfectly complimented my plans to veg on the couch and watch American Idol. After he took them out of the oven we heard Dylan's bedroom door open. Very sternly I told him to go back to bed.

Then he said, "What's that smell?"

I said, "Go, now!"

He said, "What's that smell, Mommy?" as he closed his door. I could feel the sadness in his footsteps.

We decided to let him in on our little party so hubby took him a cookie and then witnessed the joy that only a cookie could bring an almost three year old past bedtime.

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