Thursday, July 29, 2010

Breakfast Montage

Hmmm, Rice Crispies.

Emory wants the camera, Dylan does not want his peaches.

Emory's shot.

Disappearing act.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Recently I've been trying to wake up earlier than my household to enjoy some quiet time with God. For those with small children who can't wait to start their day everyday understand that this is quite a task. If I can drag myself out of bed by 6:15AM then I usually have 30 minutes to do a quick Bible study before the wild rumpus starts. Often it is really difficult to peel myself from my oh-so-comfy sheets but the reward is amazing.

When the chaos starts and I've had my time with Jesus I'm ready for it like a major league baseball catcher knowing the next pitch. On the flip side, if my children make it downstairs before my eyes open I turn into a drill sergeant. This is our home, not basic training. Although, my kids do rise ready to run.

Amazing is feeling God's presence before anything else. Amazing is beginning the children's day with snuggles and kisses instead of yelling and crying. Remembering His gifts throughout the day because I've woken up a tad earlier is truly amazing.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Grace Potter and The Nocturnals

Do yourself a favor and carve out five minutes to listen to this:)

New Loves

Camping is my new love. We recently visited Julian Price Park and spent a couple of nights in the wilderness. Yes, my family slept in a tent! It was a surprisingly comfortable and very relaxing family vacation.

Pockets are Emory's new love. She refuses to wear anything that doesn't have pockets. Oh, and if the pockets happen to be sewn in a pink pair of shorts our home is a little happier. Pockets, pockets, POCKETS!!!

The Beatles' The White Album is Dylan's new love. He likes to crank it up and sing, "You say it's your birthday!" while dancing around the kitchen shredding his air guitar (which is not as cute as it sounds unless I've had my morning coffee). However, I'd much rather hear The Fab Four on repeat than, "Toot toot, chugga chugga, big red car," anytime of the day.

Grace Potter is my husband's new love. We saw her perform at the Soap Box in Wilmington and she's pretty fabulous. I'd be a little jealous if I didn't love her, too:)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Peach Cobbler

Sitting around my mom's kitchen table is one of my favorite past times. She's usually cookin' something tasty and there is always a stack of magazines to thumb through. My last visit I snagged a Southern Living (June 2010 issue) with hopes of making the Pecan and Peach Cobbler.

I made it tonight (without the pecans because Hubby in not a fan) and let me tell was scrump-dilly-icous!!! Of course it wasn't as pretty as the magazine's but no one seemed to mind. Hubby dished out servings before I could grab my camera.

Due to a peach shortage I cut the recipe in half and it was a plenty. With warm vanilla ice cream this dessert was smack-your-mama-good!

Friday, July 9, 2010


My tennis get-a-way was rather dreamy. I've missed my calling...traveling around, eating hotel meals and having someone else make my bed while I play tennis is the life! We won our first match which sent me in a "maybe we're better than we think and have a chance at this thing" only to be wiped off the court the next morning. When reality set in that I was lucky to be among such talent I began to have fun. Although I lost my last two matches (5-7, 4-6 and 6-7, 7-6, 6-10) they were close and I played hard...harder than ever and I loved every minute of it!

While pretending to be Stefi Graff (I'm old-school) I acquired tennis toe which is rather painful (Warning: do not Google, pictures will give you the feeling). A week of virtually no exercise has eased the pain but I've eaten every cookie in the house which has made me enemy #1 with my kids...and I feel like a blob.

Take a look at my team. These ladies are amazing and this trip will go down in my memory bank as a favorite, for sure!