Friday, January 9, 2009

Pepper Tooth vs. Bad Breath

Are you the type of person to tell an acquaintance if food is stuck in their teeth (a.k.a pepper tooth)? What if that person was a man or a woman...does gender make a difference? Surely you would tell a friend, right? What about bad breath? Would you be persistent if your gum offer wasn't accepted and they were about to enter a weighty board meeting?

In a boxing ring who would win,

Pepper Tooth

or Bad Breath?

Which is the lesser of evils? If forced to have one of these social faux pas could you choose? Would you prefer to know or be oblivious? Could you turn it into a joke or would you be devastated?

Yesterday I had lunch with a new friend. My enchilada espinicas were scrumptious and after I scarfed them down I wondered out loud, "Feels like I have spinach in my teeth." She heard me and said, "Let me see." Uneasily I smiled too big and she said, "Nope, you're good." If this story ended with a spinach leaf holding one of my teeth hostage I'm sure she would have told me so... after a chuckle or two...she seems cool like that.

1 comment:

Cody said...

Pepper tooth is the worst... Unlike bad breath, you can see it for miles, and miles, and miles...