Friday, July 9, 2010


My tennis get-a-way was rather dreamy. I've missed my calling...traveling around, eating hotel meals and having someone else make my bed while I play tennis is the life! We won our first match which sent me in a "maybe we're better than we think and have a chance at this thing" only to be wiped off the court the next morning. When reality set in that I was lucky to be among such talent I began to have fun. Although I lost my last two matches (5-7, 4-6 and 6-7, 7-6, 6-10) they were close and I played hard...harder than ever and I loved every minute of it!

While pretending to be Stefi Graff (I'm old-school) I acquired tennis toe which is rather painful (Warning: do not Google, pictures will give you the feeling). A week of virtually no exercise has eased the pain but I've eaten every cookie in the house which has made me enemy #1 with my kids...and I feel like a blob.

Take a look at my team. These ladies are amazing and this trip will go down in my memory bank as a favorite, for sure!

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