Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Recently I've been trying to wake up earlier than my household to enjoy some quiet time with God. For those with small children who can't wait to start their day everyday understand that this is quite a task. If I can drag myself out of bed by 6:15AM then I usually have 30 minutes to do a quick Bible study before the wild rumpus starts. Often it is really difficult to peel myself from my oh-so-comfy sheets but the reward is amazing.

When the chaos starts and I've had my time with Jesus I'm ready for it like a major league baseball catcher knowing the next pitch. On the flip side, if my children make it downstairs before my eyes open I turn into a drill sergeant. This is our home, not basic training. Although, my kids do rise ready to run.

Amazing is feeling God's presence before anything else. Amazing is beginning the children's day with snuggles and kisses instead of yelling and crying. Remembering His gifts throughout the day because I've woken up a tad earlier is truly amazing.


Covey said...

That's awesome girl--I wish I could do that but I'd have to get up at about 3:30 to beat the munchies and I just can't do it. I totally know about the calm it gives though. I put scripture up on the walls and try and read it during the day. It also leads me to have less grouchy nights when I am up a million times.

Leslie Ruth Petree said...

Mmmmm, good stuff. I need to come this in mind for the upcoming school year and what preps me for interacting with "my kids" :)