Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cute is...

three year olds playing t-ball.

Ya'll, I laughed so much this evening my cheeks are sore. Dylan and his teammates took turns at bat and after one got a hit they would all run after the ball instead of the bases.

Cute is...

Emory standing behind the fence yelling, "Dada, Dada!" (Hubby got roped into being coach and loves it!) My little girl desperately wanted to be on that field.

Even though Dylan asked me 3000 times today, "When do we leave for practice, Mommy?" the one hour of comic relief was totally worth it. Plus, because he was plum worn out tonight he easily settled for one bedtime story.

1 comment:

Leslie Ruth Petree said...

Ok, I'm going to need video either on the blog or on Facebook.


It's essential. I need a little more cuteness in my life.