Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Professional Mother

Oh, crap! Something told me to shower this morning were my thoughts as Amanda Lamb approached me along side her camera man. She looked so very polished in a blue and white wrap dress and sassy heels while I had just spent the morning riding a carousel and kiddie train.

"Hi, I'm Amanda Lamb with WRAL. I'd like to ask you a few questions regarding a new law."

I just smiled and silently cursed myself for leaving the house looking like a

"North Carolina is trying to pass not allowing children under the age of nine to be left unattended in a car, yadda yadda yadda," she said.

O.k., she didn't really say yadda yadda yadda but she did go into detail about the law while I tried to remember if I had recently left my precious pumpkins strapped in their car seats while running errands. What if they had me on camera? What if this was one of those 'caught you on tape' shows and an example was to be made of me?

I haven't run errands in over a week, this isn't a set-up. "Um, sure."

Watching it later on the six o'clock news with my family was fun. There I was, speaking coherently with my name in block letters at the bottom of the screen. Under my name was my title. Mother. Naturally, little Emory stole the show and thankfully took the attention away from my Crocs and long, baggy shorts.


Leslie Ruth Petree said...

How fun! I'm sure you looked fabulous and were amazingly articulate. I tried to find the segment on their site but couldn't. It woould be neat to see it for myself!

Alysun said...

try have to watch a commercial first

Unknown said...

haha that's so funny about looking like a 'mom' - I never used to leave the house without makeup. now it's a rare occasion when i do put makeup on!