Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I compile the newsletter for my small church. I LOVE it. It is time consuming but requires just enough creativity to keep me from drowning in Cheerios and Pull-Ups. Some committee heads email me their articles, others send them via snail-mail. A little typing, adding cute clip-art, occasionally writing some filler and voila, a newsletter!

Then I (we) make over 200 copies, fold, tape, and label before taking to the post office. I don't even mind this part, my hubby on the other hand doesn't find the mindless task of folding paper relaxing. Often I'll invite some friends over, cook dinner or order take out and we'll have a newsletter party. Hubby does enjoy a party.

Due to limited funds there is talk of doing away with paper copies. Makes sense but its just not the same. In my corner is my congregation (I think). The majority don't use email regularly. They are old school. More so than me.

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