Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Snowing!

My husband, also known as The Weather Dork, jumped out of bed this morning at the first sound that our son was awake. This action is very rare...but he knew the possibility of winter precipitation.

As if he had won the lottery he bounced back into the bedroom. "Look Girlfriend," he said as he pulled open the blinds. "It's snowing!"

Thoughts of hibernation and the good-life of bears loomed under my comforter. Ahhh. Sleep all winter. How dreamy!

His excitement then spread to our son like a bad cold...then to our baby. Our household had the unstoppable "It's Snowing!" energy before 7AM.

Hot cocoa anyone?

1 comment:

Covey said...

Hey there! Found your blog. Love the Halloween pics--the one of Dylan makes me smile. Those teeth are great!