Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Time Out

Ever feel like yelling, "Time out!" with the hopes of everything stopping?

No spam, junk mail or Facebook would be a nice start but if eliminating time-sucks isn't a likely option we should be able to push a slow motion button. Growth spurts are crazy as my little boy went from a toddler to a Sasquatch in less than a month. And I do not like going weeks without talking to my best friend or missing Izzy's return on Grey's Anatomy but I'm guilty of both.

Why is it difficult to remember that I have hobbies? Why have I stopped sending birthday cards to my loved ones? Why do I avoid rush hour traffic (in my tiny town) and no longer feel comfortable in heels?

I don't want life to pass me by. I want to be present and witness growth and blog about some of it.

What do you do to slow down and feel real?

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