Monday, March 8, 2010

The Greatest Show on Earth

I had the pleasure of going to the Barnum and Bailey Circus with Dylan's preschool. A blast was had by all sugar-induced spectators (me included). Behold $12 cotton candy...

Dylan repeatedly asked why the tigers were caged and I had to stop myself from saying, "Because they eat people." He also asked how the animals traveled from town to town and laughed hysterically when I told him by truck. Thanks to Sea World, much of the show I was praying for the tiger tamer and elephant trainer. These people have to be certified crazy. Coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs. Who in their right mind would walk amongst 10 elephants in sequins or antagonize tigers to roll over and roar? Not this white woman.

It truly was a fantastic show. Dylan loved the ladies being shot simultaneously from cannons and was amazed by all the magic tricks. I believe this pic says it all:)

1 comment:

shannondavis said...

Looks like fun. Thanks for not posting pictures of clowns. They are scary.