Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Scream Because of Ice Cream

Monday Dylan, my three year old, had his tonsils and adenoids removed and a tube put in his left ear. Poor little fella has been lethargic, weepy, and down right pissed off. Just now before I made him take a nap he hit me. The fairy god mother in me would have ignored it and let him finish watching Curious George but the real life mom appeared and popped his hiney...twice.

Yesterday his behavior was worse, odd I'd say. He wiped ear goo on the couch after I put in ear drops, clothes-lined his baby sister, spit under the hallway rug, and broke the towel rack in my bathroom by swinging on it.

What in the world?

This is exactly why we cannot give our children ice cream for dinner or let them watch monkey cartoons on a daily basis.


Covey said...

Oh--Poor you and poor Dylan! I absolutely agree about the horrible behavior and sickness going hand in hand. Hope he starts feeling better soon. Maybe the Hydrocodone is messing with his brain making him like that--its funny what side effects those drugs can have. Will Motrin take enough of the edge off for him? Elijah was grateful to get to see Dylan and that his neck wasn't cut--apparantly he thought the doctor cut a big hole in his NECK to get to his throat--guess I botched the explanation :)

Alysun said...

Kids' imaginations are priceless:) I may try the Motrin tomorrow...good call.

Leslie Ruth Petree said...

Hey Dylan,

When I was three years old, I got up in the middle of the night and crept into the bathroom where there was the COOLEST bathroom bar ever. It was begging me to swing on it. So I did. And it broke. And then my mom and dad spanked me and put me back to bed.

I feel you, buddy.

Mrs. Petree {Mommy's friend}

stacyamatthews said...

You are too funny! I loved reading this! He seemed better today...hope it continues. See you later!