Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Steppin' Out with My Hubby

Today marks a day in our family history. My husband went Christmas shopping with me! We didn't get it all done, but that's o.k. I enjoyed his company and appreciated his opinion.

I figured since he took a leap I should do the same and let him choose lunch. Being the loving, thankful wife that I am I compromised my health and ate at Five Guys. I feel like a huge grease ball but my cheese burger sure was scrumptious.

We also have different tastes in music so we took turns (fought) over the car radio. Hubby wanted to listen to his favorite jam bands like Phish and Yonder Mt. String Band that play 40 day long songs. I was hoping for more poppier (is that a word?) tunes from the likes of Alicia Keys and Jason Mraz. However, there was one music genre upon which we agreed...OLD SCHOOL RAP!

Sirius Radio has a great station called BackSpin that plays Biz Markie, Digital Underground, Warren G., Snoop Dog, Dr. Dre, etc. Oh, yeah...it took us back and we sung out loud like no one was watching...until we approached a stoplight and then we toned it down a bit.

My charming other half still knows every word to Humpty Dance. Impressive, huh? This is definitely one shopping trip that will go down in the books..."Stop what your doin' 'cause I'm about to ruin the image and the style that you're used to."


Leslie Ruth Petree said...

How fun...I'm hoping to lure Jason out with me as well. No one is better at picking out kid gifts than him :)

Leslie Ruth Petree said...

Oh, I've been known to eat some SPC the day after...it's a FABULOUS breakfast item! And I loved that our photog captured that moment, soundtrack courtesy of Christina Aguilera "Aint't No Other Man" :)