Monday, November 24, 2008

This and That

Sweet little faces are snoozing away in my bedroom. I wonder what they are dreaming.

The hustle of the holiday season has begun and I pray to remember to take deep breaths and enjoy it all. Usually I am done Christmas shopping by now but not this year. I guess having two children makes it tougher.


We had a BIG weekend. It started with Dylan's preschool Thanksgiving party. He was a cute turkey and lunch was fun. Old family friends spent Friday and Saturday nights with us. Saturday we shopped and dined out. It was nostalgic catching up and in perfect timing with the holidays. Sunday we went to church and then lunch at Grandma's. Hmmm, bbq chicken, potato salad, deviled eggs, collards, hush puppies, slaw, and 50 million desserts. Can't beat it! We were too full to eat supper so we watched Alvin and The Chipmunks and popped popcorn.

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