Things I learned in 2010...
Tell family and friends you love them. (Every. Chance. You. Get.)
Life is hard or will be eventually but not always.
God is good.
Children are joy.
Fresh air is soothing.
Health is important but only one piece of the pie.
When pushed you become stronger and smarter.
Tomorrow can be better.
Love conquers.
May 2011 bring you health, happiness and love!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wiggle Time
Taking a treasured toy to wiggle time at church is a big deal. We spend a good portion of our Sunday morning trying to find the perfect piece to share with Preacher Doug. Dinosaurs, trains, baby dolls, and teddy bears usually make the cut. This past Sunday, however, Emory grabbed a plastic guitar.
Preacher Doug admired Emory's choice and handed it back to her smiling and said, "Just like daddy, huh?" Emory put the strap around her neck and made her way through the other children who were trying to get a glimpse of the remaining toys. She walked down the aisle until she got to Hubby and said, "I play like you, Daddy." With her eyes closed tight Emory strummed that plastic guitar like she's been rockin' since birth.
Preacher Doug admired Emory's choice and handed it back to her smiling and said, "Just like daddy, huh?" Emory put the strap around her neck and made her way through the other children who were trying to get a glimpse of the remaining toys. She walked down the aisle until she got to Hubby and said, "I play like you, Daddy." With her eyes closed tight Emory strummed that plastic guitar like she's been rockin' since birth.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Psalm 100
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his,
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his,
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Having a best friend is truly a gift. Having a best friend whose children become your children's friends is well, entertainment. This is Becky. Not too long ago on an fabulous vacation we experienced Broadway, discovered edamame, and enjoyed room service.

Becky and I have been friends since 8th grade. I'll never forget the first time I saw her. She was new to my middle school and had the cutest dimples I had ever seen. We became instant friends and learned how to break hearts and handrails. In college we kept each other out of trouble while having more fun than should be allowed. Over the years Becky has taught me the meaning of unconditional love. She may be small in size but you'll never find a heart as big as hers.
This is our entertainment. You can only imagine how long it took to get this one picture:)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Simple Happiness
Here is a happy little song for your enjoyment...
and a happy little picture for mine.
Hope you have a happy day!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Martha + Oprah = BFF
Martha Stewart was on Oprah yesterday and I watched it after the kids went to bed so I could absorb every detail. The show took us on a trip through Martha's jail time to her home in Maine. I learned how to fold a fitted sheet, set up a grilled cheese bar for entertaining and even got an itch to craft. Oh how I love the idea of Martha and Oprah being friends!
At one point Martha mentioned she had plenty of visitors while she was serving time but not Oprah, she was too busy. However, here is how I imagine the meeting would have gone...
Oprah: Martha, you look so thin!
Martha: Thanks but I miss my crab cake panini something terrible. And lemon, can I just get a little lemon in my tea?
Oprah: I should have known to bring you lemons. I did bring you some books, though.
Martha: Thanks! Eat, Pray, Love? Can I skip the eat part? I do not think my taste buds can handle it.
Oprah: Oh, Martha, you are too funny! So, is your cell, um, clean?
Martha: Not before I got here but now it is sparkling. You would never guess how hard it is to get good cleaning products in the joint. How's Stedman?
Oprah: The same. Any cute guards here?
Martha: Not really, but my ceramics partner has lovely cuticles.
Oprah: Well, that is important. Sorry to have to cut this meeting short but you know how running an empire goes.
Martha: Goodbye dear friend. I hope you will visit in a couple of months when I am on house arrest.
Oprah: Certainly! Especially if you serve your double chocolate chunk cookies. See you then!
At one point Martha mentioned she had plenty of visitors while she was serving time but not Oprah, she was too busy. However, here is how I imagine the meeting would have gone...
Oprah: Martha, you look so thin!
Martha: Thanks but I miss my crab cake panini something terrible. And lemon, can I just get a little lemon in my tea?
Oprah: I should have known to bring you lemons. I did bring you some books, though.
Martha: Thanks! Eat, Pray, Love? Can I skip the eat part? I do not think my taste buds can handle it.
Oprah: Oh, Martha, you are too funny! So, is your cell, um, clean?
Martha: Not before I got here but now it is sparkling. You would never guess how hard it is to get good cleaning products in the joint. How's Stedman?
Oprah: The same. Any cute guards here?
Martha: Not really, but my ceramics partner has lovely cuticles.
Oprah: Well, that is important. Sorry to have to cut this meeting short but you know how running an empire goes.
Martha: Goodbye dear friend. I hope you will visit in a couple of months when I am on house arrest.
Oprah: Certainly! Especially if you serve your double chocolate chunk cookies. See you then!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I compile the newsletter for my small church. I LOVE it. It is time consuming but requires just enough creativity to keep me from drowning in Cheerios and Pull-Ups. Some committee heads email me their articles, others send them via snail-mail. A little typing, adding cute clip-art, occasionally writing some filler and voila, a newsletter!
Then I (we) make over 200 copies, fold, tape, and label before taking to the post office. I don't even mind this part, my hubby on the other hand doesn't find the mindless task of folding paper relaxing. Often I'll invite some friends over, cook dinner or order take out and we'll have a newsletter party. Hubby does enjoy a party.
Due to limited funds there is talk of doing away with paper copies. Makes sense but its just not the same. In my corner is my congregation (I think). The majority don't use email regularly. They are old school. More so than me.
Then I (we) make over 200 copies, fold, tape, and label before taking to the post office. I don't even mind this part, my hubby on the other hand doesn't find the mindless task of folding paper relaxing. Often I'll invite some friends over, cook dinner or order take out and we'll have a newsletter party. Hubby does enjoy a party.
Due to limited funds there is talk of doing away with paper copies. Makes sense but its just not the same. In my corner is my congregation (I think). The majority don't use email regularly. They are old school. More so than me.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
At the gym this morning there was a man using a walker. He was too young to have a walker but his legs bent greatly at the knee and it seemed walking was painful for him. I assumed he was in some form of rehabilitation. I noticed him watching me run on the treadmill. Did he wish to have my legs?
I wanted to talk to him and let him know that my heart was broken. My legs are strong, yes, and for that I am thankful but I'm hurting. But who wants to hear from a little blond stay-at-home mom that she's sad? Certainly not someone who struggles to get in and out of a chair.
That man was working on his body. I am working on my heart. We are all working on something.
I wanted to talk to him and let him know that my heart was broken. My legs are strong, yes, and for that I am thankful but I'm hurting. But who wants to hear from a little blond stay-at-home mom that she's sad? Certainly not someone who struggles to get in and out of a chair.
That man was working on his body. I am working on my heart. We are all working on something.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Soccer Mom
It's official. I'm a soccer mom.
When you hear the words soccer mom do you picture a minivan full of rowdy children driven by a 30+ year old woman with shoulder length hair and out of date tennis shoes? She's probably carrying water bottles and orange slices, annoyingly fist bumping all the team mates? Well, that's me except remove the minivan and insert an ultra family friendly station wagon.
Dylan has his first soccer match Saturday. There is a total of seven games and we (The Breakers) play Team Surge every match. Sound intense, maybe too much for four and five year olds? Nah, they can handle's all about juice boxes and cool shin guards anyway:)
When you hear the words soccer mom do you picture a minivan full of rowdy children driven by a 30+ year old woman with shoulder length hair and out of date tennis shoes? She's probably carrying water bottles and orange slices, annoyingly fist bumping all the team mates? Well, that's me except remove the minivan and insert an ultra family friendly station wagon.
Dylan has his first soccer match Saturday. There is a total of seven games and we (The Breakers) play Team Surge every match. Sound intense, maybe too much for four and five year olds? Nah, they can handle's all about juice boxes and cool shin guards anyway:)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Good Morning!
God wakes me up most mornings but lately I've been ignoring him (I know, bad idea!) I've just been rolling on over and snoozing until Thing 1 and Thing 2 stand bedside begging for juice and cartoons.
Not this morning, though. Before I fell asleep last night I asked God to make sure I was up because I've been needing Him and his Word something terrible. Well, he delivered. My coffee pot whistled at me bright and early. I was actually heading back to dreamland when I heard my coffee pot pretend to be a tea kettle. Never before has my coffee pot played dress-up but after it's performance I remembered my late-night request.
So here I sit after reading Scripture and enjoying dramatic coffee...writing and smiling...finally!
Not this morning, though. Before I fell asleep last night I asked God to make sure I was up because I've been needing Him and his Word something terrible. Well, he delivered. My coffee pot whistled at me bright and early. I was actually heading back to dreamland when I heard my coffee pot pretend to be a tea kettle. Never before has my coffee pot played dress-up but after it's performance I remembered my late-night request.
So here I sit after reading Scripture and enjoying dramatic coffee...writing and smiling...finally!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Breakfast Montage
Hmmm, Rice Crispies.
Emory wants the camera, Dylan does not want his peaches.
Emory's shot.
Disappearing act.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Recently I've been trying to wake up earlier than my household to enjoy some quiet time with God. For those with small children who can't wait to start their day everyday understand that this is quite a task. If I can drag myself out of bed by 6:15AM then I usually have 30 minutes to do a quick Bible study before the wild rumpus starts. Often it is really difficult to peel myself from my oh-so-comfy sheets but the reward is amazing.
When the chaos starts and I've had my time with Jesus I'm ready for it like a major league baseball catcher knowing the next pitch. On the flip side, if my children make it downstairs before my eyes open I turn into a drill sergeant. This is our home, not basic training. Although, my kids do rise ready to run.
Amazing is feeling God's presence before anything else. Amazing is beginning the children's day with snuggles and kisses instead of yelling and crying. Remembering His gifts throughout the day because I've woken up a tad earlier is truly amazing.
When the chaos starts and I've had my time with Jesus I'm ready for it like a major league baseball catcher knowing the next pitch. On the flip side, if my children make it downstairs before my eyes open I turn into a drill sergeant. This is our home, not basic training. Although, my kids do rise ready to run.
Amazing is feeling God's presence before anything else. Amazing is beginning the children's day with snuggles and kisses instead of yelling and crying. Remembering His gifts throughout the day because I've woken up a tad earlier is truly amazing.
Monday, July 26, 2010
New Loves
Camping is my new love. We recently visited Julian Price Park and spent a couple of nights in the wilderness. Yes, my family slept in a tent! It was a surprisingly comfortable and very relaxing family vacation.
Pockets are Emory's new love. She refuses to wear anything that doesn't have pockets. Oh, and if the pockets happen to be sewn in a pink pair of shorts our home is a little happier. Pockets, pockets, POCKETS!!!
The Beatles' The White Album is Dylan's new love. He likes to crank it up and sing, "You say it's your birthday!" while dancing around the kitchen shredding his air guitar (which is not as cute as it sounds unless I've had my morning coffee). However, I'd much rather hear The Fab Four on repeat than, "Toot toot, chugga chugga, big red car," anytime of the day.
Grace Potter is my husband's new love. We saw her perform at the Soap Box in Wilmington and she's pretty fabulous. I'd be a little jealous if I didn't love her, too:)
Pockets are Emory's new love. She refuses to wear anything that doesn't have pockets. Oh, and if the pockets happen to be sewn in a pink pair of shorts our home is a little happier. Pockets, pockets, POCKETS!!!
The Beatles' The White Album is Dylan's new love. He likes to crank it up and sing, "You say it's your birthday!" while dancing around the kitchen shredding his air guitar (which is not as cute as it sounds unless I've had my morning coffee). However, I'd much rather hear The Fab Four on repeat than, "Toot toot, chugga chugga, big red car," anytime of the day.
Grace Potter is my husband's new love. We saw her perform at the Soap Box in Wilmington and she's pretty fabulous. I'd be a little jealous if I didn't love her, too:)
Monday, July 12, 2010
Peach Cobbler
Sitting around my mom's kitchen table is one of my favorite past times. She's usually cookin' something tasty and there is always a stack of magazines to thumb through. My last visit I snagged a Southern Living (June 2010 issue) with hopes of making the Pecan and Peach Cobbler.

Due to a peach shortage I cut the recipe in half and it was a plenty. With warm vanilla ice cream this dessert was smack-your-mama-good!
I made it tonight (without the pecans because Hubby in not a fan) and let me tell was scrump-dilly-icous!!! Of course it wasn't as pretty as the magazine's but no one seemed to mind. Hubby dished out servings before I could grab my camera.
Due to a peach shortage I cut the recipe in half and it was a plenty. With warm vanilla ice cream this dessert was smack-your-mama-good!
Friday, July 9, 2010
My tennis get-a-way was rather dreamy. I've missed my calling...traveling around, eating hotel meals and having someone else make my bed while I play tennis is the life! We won our first match which sent me in a "maybe we're better than we think and have a chance at this thing" only to be wiped off the court the next morning. When reality set in that I was lucky to be among such talent I began to have fun. Although I lost my last two matches (5-7, 4-6 and 6-7, 7-6, 6-10) they were close and I played hard...harder than ever and I loved every minute of it!

While pretending to be Stefi Graff (I'm old-school) I acquired tennis toe which is rather painful (Warning: do not Google, pictures will give you the feeling). A week of virtually no exercise has eased the pain but I've eaten every cookie in the house which has made me enemy #1 with my kids...and I feel like a blob.
Take a look at my team. These ladies are amazing and this trip will go down in my memory bank as a favorite, for sure!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I'm leaving tomorrow for a tennis tournament in Pinehurst. Yippeeee!!! My sweet little team won our 3.5 adult league division and now we get to play with the big dogs. There are 12 of us in all and four who are 70+ years old. Can you believe it? Talk about inspiration. We play four matches and if we win we'll play a few more. I'll be away from home for at least three days and...drum roll please...sleeping in a hotel and not cooking or cleaning!
This break from the norm is just what I've been needing but I'm gonna miss my kiddos something fierce. They are staying with my sister and brother-in-law for a few of nights (Hubby, too, will be out of town) which is Dylan's dream come true. He adores his older cousins. Emory has never been away from me for that long but I know she'll be loved and cuddled until I return.
Oh, I'm so lucky!! Thanks God!!
This break from the norm is just what I've been needing but I'm gonna miss my kiddos something fierce. They are staying with my sister and brother-in-law for a few of nights (Hubby, too, will be out of town) which is Dylan's dream come true. He adores his older cousins. Emory has never been away from me for that long but I know she'll be loved and cuddled until I return.
Oh, I'm so lucky!! Thanks God!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Rest with Me a while. You have journeyed up a steep, rugged path in recent days. The way ahead is shrouded in uncertainty. Look neither behind you nor before you. Instead, focus your attention on Me, your constant Companion. Trust that I will equip you fully for whatever awaits you on your journey.
I designed time to be a protection for you. You couldn't bear to see all your life at once. Though I am unlimited by time, it is in the present moment that I meet you. Refresh yourself in My company, breathing deep draughts of My Presence. The highest level of trust is to enjoy Me moment by moment. I am with you, watching over you wherever you go.
This devotional spoke volumes to me today so I thought I'd share it with you:)
Rest with Me a while. You have journeyed up a steep, rugged path in recent days. The way ahead is shrouded in uncertainty. Look neither behind you nor before you. Instead, focus your attention on Me, your constant Companion. Trust that I will equip you fully for whatever awaits you on your journey.
I designed time to be a protection for you. You couldn't bear to see all your life at once. Though I am unlimited by time, it is in the present moment that I meet you. Refresh yourself in My company, breathing deep draughts of My Presence. The highest level of trust is to enjoy Me moment by moment. I am with you, watching over you wherever you go.
This devotional spoke volumes to me today so I thought I'd share it with you:)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Lessons Learned
You can take a four year old boy to see a play. Halfway through the performance he looked at me and said, "I can't believe I'm getting to see this!" Afterwards he said, "The Beast was my favorite because at first he was mean and then he turned nice."
Baby oil on a slippin' slide sure is fun. However, be prepared to explain to your hubby why there is a long strip of brown grass in the back yard.
Happy Father's Day!
Meet Blue Phish.

He is Hubby's gift from the kids for Father's Day. He survived the car ride home and seems to be enjoying his new pad. Dylan welcomed him home with This Little Light of Mine (one of his favorite songs) and four pellets of grub. Hopefully Hubby will be happy with his new pet...he'll be introduced to Blue Phish tomorrow when he returns from another concert.
He is Hubby's gift from the kids for Father's Day. He survived the car ride home and seems to be enjoying his new pad. Dylan welcomed him home with This Little Light of Mine (one of his favorite songs) and four pellets of grub. Hopefully Hubby will be happy with his new pet...he'll be introduced to Blue Phish tomorrow when he returns from another concert.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
So, the new playlist makes for a fun run except when a sketchy car from Georgia made me change my route. Weirdo. Now I'm a scared and will have to wait a couple of weeks to run my normal path. At least the new music makes the treadmill more bearable.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Here's my new playlist...
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
Hey, Soul Sista - Train
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
Whataya Want from Me - Adam Lambert
Gives You Hell - The All-American Rejects
Under Pressure - My Chemical Romance & The Used
Disturbia - Rihanna
Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson
I'll let you know if it helps me run like Kara Goucher.
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
Hey, Soul Sista - Train
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
Whataya Want from Me - Adam Lambert
Gives You Hell - The All-American Rejects
Under Pressure - My Chemical Romance & The Used
Disturbia - Rihanna
Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson
I'll let you know if it helps me run like Kara Goucher.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Emory and I are staying home today due to an upset tummy (hers, not mine). I'm secretly thankful for this day at home because I need to lounge and it is way hot to be picking strawberries with Dylan's preschool class. The extra snuggles from my sweet little pumpkin and her giggles have made this a blue ribbon day.

Thought I'd share some of her cuteness...
oatmilk = oatmeal
bavingsoup = bathingsuit
baff = bath
rite der = right there
two, five = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland is FANtastic! Watching buzzing horseflies and pitched tea cups through 3D glasses is a whole other art form. Alice's outfits are mini-masterpieces and the Red Queen's court have hilarious over sized body parts.
True to Burton's dark side, it's a little scary. Floating heads in Red Queen's moat has the power to cause queasiness as does the lanky walk of her side kick, Stayne. However, the Mad Hatter is endearing despite being, well, mad. I love his eyebrows and on again off again lisp...but what's not to love about Johnny Depp?

True to Burton's dark side, it's a little scary. Floating heads in Red Queen's moat has the power to cause queasiness as does the lanky walk of her side kick, Stayne. However, the Mad Hatter is endearing despite being, well, mad. I love his eyebrows and on again off again lisp...but what's not to love about Johnny Depp?
The costumes, make-up, special effects...ALL of it is art. Beautiful, funky and creepy art. Go see it in the theater if you can!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hubby Scored Tom Petty Tickets!
Yay! Great seats, too!
Many moons ago (circa 1995) I witnessed a Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers concert on the lawn of Raleigh's Walnut Creek Amphitheater in the rain. I was with three of my best friends and we did not mind being soaked in the felt like unauthorized freedom. Dancing, singing, laughing for several hours preceded riding home in our underwear. Thank God we didn't go through a traffic stop!
I'm sure the experience this time around will be a little more, um, refined? Let's hope so. However, I'm not promising anything during this song...
Many moons ago (circa 1995) I witnessed a Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers concert on the lawn of Raleigh's Walnut Creek Amphitheater in the rain. I was with three of my best friends and we did not mind being soaked in the felt like unauthorized freedom. Dancing, singing, laughing for several hours preceded riding home in our underwear. Thank God we didn't go through a traffic stop!
I'm sure the experience this time around will be a little more, um, refined? Let's hope so. However, I'm not promising anything during this song...
Monday, March 29, 2010
Bye, Bye, La You!
Today Emory told the exterminator and the Target returns lady that she loved them.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
What Goes Up Must Come Down
Yesterday ranked up there on the fun scale. I chatted with several friends whom I have been missing, sat in the sunshine, read several pages of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, played tennis with hubby, and ate a Chick-fil-a dinner at the park. Kids were worn out so bath and bedtime were a breeze.
Today? Pink eye.
Today? Pink eye.
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Greatest Show on Earth
I had the pleasure of going to the Barnum and Bailey Circus with Dylan's preschool. A blast was had by all sugar-induced spectators (me included). Behold $12 cotton candy...

Dylan repeatedly asked why the tigers were caged and I had to stop myself from saying, "Because they eat people." He also asked how the animals traveled from town to town and laughed hysterically when I told him by truck. Thanks to Sea World, much of the show I was praying for the tiger tamer and elephant trainer. These people have to be certified crazy. Coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs. Who in their right mind would walk amongst 10 elephants in sequins or antagonize tigers to roll over and roar? Not this white woman.
It truly was a fantastic show. Dylan loved the ladies being shot simultaneously from cannons and was amazed by all the magic tricks. I believe this pic says it all:)
Dylan repeatedly asked why the tigers were caged and I had to stop myself from saying, "Because they eat people." He also asked how the animals traveled from town to town and laughed hysterically when I told him by truck. Thanks to Sea World, much of the show I was praying for the tiger tamer and elephant trainer. These people have to be certified crazy. Coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs. Who in their right mind would walk amongst 10 elephants in sequins or antagonize tigers to roll over and roar? Not this white woman.
It truly was a fantastic show. Dylan loved the ladies being shot simultaneously from cannons and was amazed by all the magic tricks. I believe this pic says it all:)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Vitamin D Deficiency
Seriously, someone tell the snow that its almost time to pull out short sleeves and flip flops! I long for the days of running outside in a minutes notice. Wrapping two kids in fleece gets old...not to mention the static electricity that engulfs Emory's head. Most days she resembles a troll or Lynne Stone during her Dance TV debut.
Lately, when a smidgen of sunshine emerges I start daydreaming of sunscreen and bare feet and have to stop myself from calling Island Tan to see if bed #4 is open. My in-laws just returned from Hawaii and my lovely neighbors are packing for Florida. Jealousy just scratches the surface of my dry, pasty-white skin.
To ease my winter blues I have been playing Bob Marley, drinking lemonade, and highlighted my hair. My husband must be struggling, too, as he ignored the freezing temperatures this weekend to pressure wash the house and clean the back porch.
Any other cures for Vitamin D deficiency out there?
Lately, when a smidgen of sunshine emerges I start daydreaming of sunscreen and bare feet and have to stop myself from calling Island Tan to see if bed #4 is open. My in-laws just returned from Hawaii and my lovely neighbors are packing for Florida. Jealousy just scratches the surface of my dry, pasty-white skin.
To ease my winter blues I have been playing Bob Marley, drinking lemonade, and highlighted my hair. My husband must be struggling, too, as he ignored the freezing temperatures this weekend to pressure wash the house and clean the back porch.
Any other cures for Vitamin D deficiency out there?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Heart Day
I love all holidays. It's ridiculous, I know, but having an excuse to gush over a loved one, hide eggs, or wear a shamrock just makes life more fun. Lately, I have enjoyed making Valentine's, decorating cookies, and eating chocolates out of heart shaped boxes. Take a look at some cookies we made a couple of days ago.

There is one left. One. Thank goodness I'm not alone in my weakness for cookies.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Retirement Living
In hopes of a minute of peace today I locked myself in the hall bathroom with an Our State magazine. A couple of days trapped inside due to snow actually made this sound entertaining. Shortly thereafter the door knob shook.
"I'll be out in a minute," I said.
Silence, good he went back to watching cartoons. I proceeded to skim another advertisement for an upscale resthome. Would they let me live there? I like Scrabble and sweat tea.
Clonk, clonk, clonk. Shake, rattle, shake, giggle. He was back and wearing a pair of my heels.
"I said, I'll be out in a minute." I bet retirement living is quiet.
Dylan replied, "Mom, you wanna go on a date?"
I opened the door and there he stood in my black pointy toe shoes paired with his pajamas. A wide grin had taken over his sweet face.
"I'll be out in a minute," I said.
Silence, good he went back to watching cartoons. I proceeded to skim another advertisement for an upscale resthome. Would they let me live there? I like Scrabble and sweat tea.
Clonk, clonk, clonk. Shake, rattle, shake, giggle. He was back and wearing a pair of my heels.
"I said, I'll be out in a minute." I bet retirement living is quiet.
Dylan replied, "Mom, you wanna go on a date?"
I opened the door and there he stood in my black pointy toe shoes paired with his pajamas. A wide grin had taken over his sweet face.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Looking Forward
After my mini-pity party (last blog post) I decided to be thankful instead of Debbie Downer. Here are some events I'm looking forward to...
1. Girl Scout cookies (yes, Thin Mints can be considered an event)
2. sledding (hopefully it'll snow this weekend!)
3. American Idol's Hollywood episodes
4. Girls Night Out (I just may break out the heels:)
5. no more diapers or pull-ups (one day, right?)
6. Dylan helping with more household chores. He's now learning to take out the trash and putting his dirty clothes in the hamper (he calls it his "hampster").
7. summer beach trip
8. visiting my mom and good friend in a couple of weeks
9. Mama Mia! - Sunday at DPAC (yay!)
10. Did I mention Girl Scout cookies?
1. Girl Scout cookies (yes, Thin Mints can be considered an event)
2. sledding (hopefully it'll snow this weekend!)
3. American Idol's Hollywood episodes
4. Girls Night Out (I just may break out the heels:)
5. no more diapers or pull-ups (one day, right?)
6. Dylan helping with more household chores. He's now learning to take out the trash and putting his dirty clothes in the hamper (he calls it his "hampster").
7. summer beach trip
8. visiting my mom and good friend in a couple of weeks
9. Mama Mia! - Sunday at DPAC (yay!)
10. Did I mention Girl Scout cookies?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Time Out
Ever feel like yelling, "Time out!" with the hopes of everything stopping?
No spam, junk mail or Facebook would be a nice start but if eliminating time-sucks isn't a likely option we should be able to push a slow motion button. Growth spurts are crazy as my little boy went from a toddler to a Sasquatch in less than a month. And I do not like going weeks without talking to my best friend or missing Izzy's return on Grey's Anatomy but I'm guilty of both.
Why is it difficult to remember that I have hobbies? Why have I stopped sending birthday cards to my loved ones? Why do I avoid rush hour traffic (in my tiny town) and no longer feel comfortable in heels?
I don't want life to pass me by. I want to be present and witness growth and blog about some of it.
What do you do to slow down and feel real?
No spam, junk mail or Facebook would be a nice start but if eliminating time-sucks isn't a likely option we should be able to push a slow motion button. Growth spurts are crazy as my little boy went from a toddler to a Sasquatch in less than a month. And I do not like going weeks without talking to my best friend or missing Izzy's return on Grey's Anatomy but I'm guilty of both.
Why is it difficult to remember that I have hobbies? Why have I stopped sending birthday cards to my loved ones? Why do I avoid rush hour traffic (in my tiny town) and no longer feel comfortable in heels?
I don't want life to pass me by. I want to be present and witness growth and blog about some of it.
What do you do to slow down and feel real?
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