We made a robot costume out of a Huggies diaper box. Dylan walks around with straight arm movements while talking in a kiddie-mechanical voice. One night hubby got stuck in the box and I was laughing too hard to think of grabbing the camera. "Robot Daddy" was definitely having technical difficulties.
My sweet Emory is turning one tomorrow. This year flew by, without a doubt. Happy Birthday Emmy Cate!!!
Glad you all are on the mend. We must set up a playdate next week for the boys. Elijah is crying every morning we go to the gym now because "Dylan is never there Mommy!" It is so cute. Happy Birthday to Miss Emory--too cute about the muscles :)
Your kids are the cutest. Seriously. If it was possible to mail order Emory's nose and Dylan's gorgeous eyes when it's my turn for kiddos, I totally would.
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