Thursday, June 18, 2009

Here Nor There

Several rainy days and a recent diagnosis of strep throat have kept us indoors lately. Sometimes it's nice to have a reason or two to stay in your jammies all day...and teach your precious little girl how to "show us your muscles!"

We made a robot costume out of a Huggies diaper box. Dylan walks around with straight arm movements while talking in a kiddie-mechanical voice. One night hubby got stuck in the box and I was laughing too hard to think of grabbing the camera. "Robot Daddy" was definitely having technical difficulties.

My sweet Emory is turning one tomorrow. This year flew by, without a doubt. Happy Birthday Emmy Cate!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Come on Home

While my hubby has gone Phishing I've been at home with the kiddos enjoying life. Every now and then I need time away from the Mr. just to re-group and remember who I am. As does he. The past few days have been full of friends and laughter and wolves hunting vampires.

In his absence I've had a few neighborly play-dates and good 'ol girlie conversations. Tonight some of our friends came over to cook me dinner. Can you believe it? Me either. Yesterday Jayme called and said, "How about we come over tomorrow night and cook for you?" I know, I'm so lucky! I just dined on an Asian spicy chicken noodle dish that was scrumptious and a welcomed change from Honey Nut Cheerios.

This semi-solo time has been fun but now I'm ready for hubby to come on home. During his time away I fought the smelly trash can all the way down our long, gravel driveway and accidentally made the morning coffee at 6PM instead of 6AM. I handled several discipline problems by laughing and stayed up way too late reading a tween romance.

So, Hubby, if you can hear me...I will always heart you more than E.C. so say your goodbyes to the patchouli and tell Trey we'll see him in August.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Joining the Masses

I told myself that I was not going to fall into the teeny-bopper trap that Twilight seemed to unfold. Then I watched the movie. Twice. In one day. I'm a mother of 2 small children who rarely watches anything but The Noggin Channel.

My best friend did not tell me she was hooked because she knew that I would make fun of her. I mean, we are grown women who understand that taking your teddy bear on vacation and polishing your unicorn collection after a certain age is, well, inappropriate. However, when I confessed to watching the movie she let on that she, too, had fallen for vampires all over again (back in the day we drooled over Louis and Lestat). Tonight we met for a lovely dinner at our favorite spot and she loaned me the entire Twilight series. I'M SO EXCITED!!!

So, if I don't post for a while it's because I'm cuddled in a corner, swatting at my children to go away, and dreaming of Edward.