Sunday, October 25, 2009

Toddler T-Ball

During Dylan's last t-ball game he preferred hanging in the dugout by himself even though his cheering section doubled (i.e. grandparents). After I bribed him with brownies (that I had already made for the team) he managed to bat a couple of times and drew in the dirt while "covering" the outfield.This is totally gonna give my parents the green light to say, "I told you so," but a 3 year old is too young to play organized sports...unless, of course, your first name is Tiger. However, the first couple of games and practices were fun for the whole family. The toddler t-ball season should be just that...two practices and two games. Period. End of season. Eleven games proved to be way too many for tiny attention spans.

Despite the fact that no one struck out nor did we keep score all players received a pint-sized trophy. Seems kind of silly but they did hang in there for 11 games.

Who knew a miniature plastic statue could cause such a stir? Dylan sleeps with it and has taken it to show and tell twice.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October Out Takes

Pumpkins can make such pretty pictures...if you have cooperating muses.

Here I present to you my Fall collection:
"Halloween Head"

"I want to suck your blood!"
(my kids like to imitate Dracula thanks to a spooky CD from their Papa)

and "The Monster Mash"
Needless to say, we had an eventful day at the pumpkin patch. Their favorite part was obviously not posing for pics, but celebrating It's Fall Y'all with homemade ice cream.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Asheville, NC

Recently I went on a girlie trip to Asheville, NC without my kiddos. I ate 13 meals uninterrupted, leisurely walked through art exhibits, and slept past 7AM. Truly delightful! This is the cute loft we stayed in downtown Asheville.

We visited Biltmore and enjoyed the winery. That huge house has 43 bathrooms and was built before indoor plumbing became popular.

This is Audrey. I forced her to be my friend back in 1994. Yes, we tight rolled our jeans, grooved to the Cranberries and watched the original 90210. Since then we have grown into somewhat responsible adults and managed to convince two other best friends to marry us. Everyone should be so lucky:)