I've decided to have Thanksgiving at my home this year. Crazy? Yes. Why would anyone choose to take on the responsibility of feeding their in-laws plus their own mother? I'm giving up a worry free meal provided by my happy-go-lucky aunt (void of my in-laws and mother, I must add) to stress over how to cook a large turkey and make gravy. Ewww, gravy. I don't even like to type that word...gurrr-aaaa-vyyyyyy (whisper it and it sounds like a pissed-off spirit who hasn't eaten for centuries).
Honestly, I dig a challenge every now and then. Not to mention I will not have to worry about packing or skipping nap time or losing pacifiers or (here come the singing angels) traveling with toddlers!
So, I've almost convinced myself that this adventure will not be a nightmare (minus the gravy ghost), and any helpful pointers or tidbits or prayers will be greatly appreciated. I'll try to keep you abreast of my progress and pitfalls in preparation of this celebratory feast. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Serena, Serena, Serena
So Serena lost her cool during a very important tennis match. She said some pretty nasty things to a line judge and then wondered why the lady felt threatened. Seriously? If you saw this coming towards you saying, "I'm going to shove this bleepity ball down your bleepity throat!" wouldn't you be skerred??

I first witnessed Serena's verbal thrashing on Sports Center this morning and initially thought, "Her career is on the line." Then I thought, "Well maybe this is the kind of passion you need to make it to the top." As I watched it again online I can categorize the whole incident as unfortunate. Everyone has said something they wished they hadn't, Lord knows I have, but words are way more powerful when it reaches the masses...over and over. Serena is idolized by many young women and I pray that they understand the voltage of harmful words. This match will be remembered always in the tennis world, I'm sure, but I hope that line judge will be able to lead a normal life sooner than later.
It will be interesting to see how this affects Serena's career. Watch for yourself let me know what you think.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Puffy Eyes
Last night I watched The Secret Life of Bees all by myself and boo-hooed like a baby. I've read the book and seen the movie so why did I let the faucets pour? Guess I needed a good crying.

Have I mentioned before that I have a girl crush on Alicia Keys? I love her character, as well, in this story...strong, independent, and then she lets her heart take over.

In a few hours I get to take Dylan to his first day of preschool looking sleep deprived (o.k. I stayed up too late watching TV and ran upstairs at 5AM because Dylan was yelling that his Linus blanket was stuck under his bed) and/or that I've consumed way too much salt (could be the half bag o' chips and salsa I munched during the movie). If I were the type I'd totally be lounging with cool cucumbers over my lids.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Cute is...
three year olds playing t-ball.
Ya'll, I laughed so much this evening my cheeks are sore. Dylan and his teammates took turns at bat and after one got a hit they would all run after the ball instead of the bases.
Cute is...
Emory standing behind the fence yelling, "Dada, Dada!" (Hubby got roped into being coach and loves it!) My little girl desperately wanted to be on that field.
Even though Dylan asked me 3000 times today, "When do we leave for practice, Mommy?" the one hour of comic relief was totally worth it. Plus, because he was plum worn out tonight he easily settled for one bedtime story.
Ya'll, I laughed so much this evening my cheeks are sore. Dylan and his teammates took turns at bat and after one got a hit they would all run after the ball instead of the bases.
Cute is...
Emory standing behind the fence yelling, "Dada, Dada!" (Hubby got roped into being coach and loves it!) My little girl desperately wanted to be on that field.
Even though Dylan asked me 3000 times today, "When do we leave for practice, Mommy?" the one hour of comic relief was totally worth it. Plus, because he was plum worn out tonight he easily settled for one bedtime story.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Guilty As Charged
The word itself makes my shoulders slump and the corners of my mouth droop. I faintly remember the feeling when I was young, I guess that just comes with the territory of divorced families no matter how hard everyone tries to be neutral, but nothing compares to the guilt I feel as a mom.
If my child watches back to back cartoons, eats too many sweets, wants me to put him to bed instead of his daddy, when I have a baby sitter, when I haven't cooked a hot breakfast or changed the sheets or mopped the floors or scrubbed the bathrooms, when I miss a meeting or tell someone that I don't have the time or that I'm too tired, when my baby goes to bed a little dirty, when her nose is runny and I put off taking her to the doctor one more day, and when I forget to brush their teeth I feel guilty.
Is it Nature's way of holding us accountable? Is it payback from our mothers? Maybe a combination of the two?
My goal this new school year is to feel less guilt. I think if I'm more organized and prioritize what is most important to my family I can get rid of this unwanted guest.
Any suggestions?
The word itself makes my shoulders slump and the corners of my mouth droop. I faintly remember the feeling when I was young, I guess that just comes with the territory of divorced families no matter how hard everyone tries to be neutral, but nothing compares to the guilt I feel as a mom.
If my child watches back to back cartoons, eats too many sweets, wants me to put him to bed instead of his daddy, when I have a baby sitter, when I haven't cooked a hot breakfast or changed the sheets or mopped the floors or scrubbed the bathrooms, when I miss a meeting or tell someone that I don't have the time or that I'm too tired, when my baby goes to bed a little dirty, when her nose is runny and I put off taking her to the doctor one more day, and when I forget to brush their teeth I feel guilty.
Is it Nature's way of holding us accountable? Is it payback from our mothers? Maybe a combination of the two?
My goal this new school year is to feel less guilt. I think if I'm more organized and prioritize what is most important to my family I can get rid of this unwanted guest.
Any suggestions?
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